Consult Recruitment NZ > Career  > The Official Auckland Accounting And Finance Job Smorgasbord

The Official Auckland Accounting And Finance Job Smorgasbord

Ever wondered where the majority of Auckland’s accounting and finance jobs are located?

Erm – maybe not?  Maybe it’s just us?  Surely not?!

Anyway, it’s been burning a hole in Matt’s cap over summer, so he has done a bit of investigating (for himself, and for you our lovely Accounting, Finance and HR community…)

Wonder no more! We’ve crunched the postcodes of where the accounting and finance jobs are* and stuck them on a map:

So what is this pimple faced Auckland telling us?

Well, when we combine the map with the What’s My Worth surveys of over 10,600 Auckland accounting and finance professionals, it reveals that there is something for everyone in these job clusters.

The Auckland CBD is home to large businesses who employ the most people in Accounting and Finance roles in Auckland (plus it’s also home to some pretty awesome shopping and restaurants so if splurging on stuff and eating great food is your thing – look no further than the CBD).  

There are also loads of jobs from Penrose down to Manukau, including the airport vicinity and Highbrook (note the close proximity to public transport). Businesses here pay similar salaries as those in the CBD which is great, but it also means you can live and work close to home which is THE most important thing for 29% of people** (unless of course if you live with your in-laws in which case the CBD is probably a better option…).

Businesses on the North Shore tend to be smaller (but some would say are more high tech businesses and a bit more ‘swish’) and sometimes they pay slightly less than the CBD. But if working hard and then taking a dip at some of Auckland’s best beaches is your gig – then the North Shore is your new work Mecca!  

The good news is that irrespective of where you work, there is something for everyone. The even better news is that as Auckland’s public transport gets better and better, then this will give you even more opportunities and choice when it comes to where you work.

But the best news of all is that Consult is not only home to the best Accounting & Finance recruitment specialists, it is now the home of the Auckland Accounting and Finance Job Smorgasbord (thanks, Matt – we will buy you a new cap!).

Want to work closer to home, close to a beach or close to your favourite restaurant?  Let Consult help you to make 2018 the year of your epic job acceptance!  Pick up the phone/grab a keyboard or text us some details and we can start to help! 

* Based on the roles we’ve worked on over the last year.

** CPA Congress Survey 2017.  29% of people said working closer to home was the most important factor when looking for their next role.

About the author

Angela Cameron - CA, CPA

Chief Executive Officer

A chartered accountant by qualification, she is a recruitment leader by nature.

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