The Most Annoying Resume Blunders
As a team, we’ve pretty much seen every resume blunder known to humankind. I stupidly asked the team what they think the most annoying resume blunders are and opened up a tsunami of pent up CV angst. So do yourself and your local friendly recruiter a favour – check to make sure you aren’t committing one of these resume blunders…
- Spelling your name wrong. I know – is this even possible? Yes it is…
- Extensive irrelevant personal information. You might still be proud of winning your high school poetry competition, but I’m not sure it supports your application for the Financial Accountant role…
- Pretty uncool email addresses. ‘’ doesn’t scream team player, and ‘’ doesn’t really make you seem like a loyal new hire. Be mindful of the email address that you use!
- Including Referee Details. Remember – this is personal contact information that you are sending out every time you apply on a role, so respect your referee’s privacy.
- Spelling mistakes seem to hold a special place in our hearts: Charted not Chartered Accountant, atention to detail (eek), manger instead of Manager. Need I say more?
- Missing dates – or not knowing specifically when you worked for a particular company. We once had a candidate who had a year missing on their resume, when we asked him about it, he said he was “property developing” – once we did our checks we found out that it was from the comfort of his jail cell – for fraud. Missing dates create question marks for anyone with experience recruiting and not knowing when you worked somewhere makes you look a little bit average…
- Photos. Because you are either too good looking or not good looking enough (so said a particularly good looking consultant recently)
- Marriage Status/Parents Names/Religion/Birth Date/Height/Weight/Drivers Licence Number – you may as well throw your Credit Card number and PIN on there too? (this consultant needed a coffee after contributing their feedback!)
- Waffly waffle. Because everyone is a ‘team player who likes to contribute their best every day to the company strategy to ensure a win win culture’ – so just keep it simple and leave the waffle off your resume!
- Using generic resume templates. Seriously – when you have seen 400 of the same template, it is pretty tough on the old eyeballs, let alone trying to distinguish you from the other 399 applicants…
- Life Mottos. “an army of sheep led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by a sheep” really impacted us, but mostly, we couldn’t work out who were the lions and who were the sheep, and are there sheep in Africa?
So after much angst and frustration – the 2018 winner for the most annoying resume blunders are:
So please, for the sake of every recruiter (and for success in your job search!) install grammarly and ban the spelling mistakes!