Consult Recruitment NZ > Blog and Journals  > 7 mistakes every manager should avoid

7 mistakes every manager should avoid

Be honest, are you making these simple mistakes? If yes, it’s time for a change in style.

1. The over-the-shoulder manager

Nothing screams ‘I don’t trust you’ louder than micromanagement. 

Empower your team by giving them the autonomy to grow and succeed.

If they need more guidance, provide it, but don’t hover.

2. Work is your team’s only priority…

Nope, it’s not.

Remember, everyone on your team has a life outside the office.

So, encourage a healthy work-life balance because a happy team is a productive team.

3. The one-size-fits-all approach

Not everyone responds well to one particular style of management. So, get to know your team and embrace their individuality.

Then, tailor your approach to suit their unique strengths and work styles.

4. Chasing perfection 

Let’s be honest, your team’s only human and perfection isn’t a maintainable goal.

Instead, encourage them to learn from their mistakes rather than fear them.

Because sometimes done is better than perfect.

5. The Lone Ranger

Remember, you’re a manager, not an island.

Empower your team by delegating effectively and valuing their skills and capabilities.

Successful leadership thrives on collaboration, not isolation.

6. Well-being blind spot

Not checking in on your team’s well-being is like driving with a blind spot – eventually, something important will be missed.

Remember, behind every job title is a human with emotions, struggles, and triumphs.

So, make sure you’re checking in – it’s the right thing to do.

7. Conflict ostrich

Just like an ostrich burying its head, ignoring conflicts won’t make them magically disappear.

Which is why it’s so important to always address them promptly and fairly to maintain a positive and productive environment for the whole team.

About the author

Consult Recruitment

Consult Recruitment is a leading recruitment agency based in Auckland, pairing top talent with the best businesses. We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding experiences so you can focus on what's important.

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