Consult Recruitment NZ > Career  > You’re missing out on job opportunities

You’re missing out on job opportunities

Use this 7 step to-do list for your next job search.

Searching for a new job can be a whirlwind of excitement and nerves.

Follow this to-do list, and you’ll be well on your way to landing your next gig.

#1: Give off a good first impression

Ensure your social media profiles present a professional image.

Often, our profiles are readily accessible, making it crucial to consider how your posts might be perceived by prospective employers. If in doubt, maintain a respectable online presence or adjust your privacy settings.

And don’t forget, social media is full of great info about your future employers. Follow them and stay up to date with their latest activities.

#2: Don’t let your LinkedIn profile hold you back

Your LinkedIn profile is often the first thing a recruiter or employer will see when they hear your name.

Make sure yours give off the right impression. Refer to our recent post, “Your LinkedIn profile is holding you back”, for common mistakes people make on their profile.

And if you notice any you’re currently doing, go fix them. For the love of jobs!

#3: Your CV needs some work

Update your CV so it clearly showcases your skills, experience, and achievements.

We’re often asked if you should tailor your CV to each job. The short answer is “Yes”!

For each job, make sure you only highlight the most relevant information. You only have a short window to grab their attention, so make the most of it.

#4: Network, network, network

We know you hate networking. Most people do.

But it’s important to tap into your existing network and reach out to friends, colleagues, and recruiters. They’ll know about potential opportunities and can help get your foot in the door.

And whenever you can, attend industry events and networking sessions to expand your connections. You never know who you might meet!

#5: Harness the power of job portals

Explore job portals like Seek, Indeed, LinkedIn & Trademe and set up job alerts to stay updated on new opportunities.

Use advanced search features to refine your job search and find the perfect fit or get a recruiter to do it for you. Even better!

#6: Get free help

Job searching alone is tough unless you have the right connections.

If you need help, a recruiter can guide you through the process. And the bonus is, they’re totally free for you.

Who doesn’t love free stuff?

#7: Stay positive and persistent

Job hunting isn’t easy and can be really disappointing at times.

Maintain a positive mindset throughout your job search and learn from rejections. Use them as opportunities for growth.


  1. Give off a good first impression
  2. Don’t let your LinkedIn profile hold you back
  3. Your CV needs some work
  4. Network, network, network
  5. Harness the power of job portals
  6. Get free help
  7. Stay positive and persistent

Now go get em’. Your next career move awaits.

About the author

Consult Recruitment

Consult Recruitment is a leading recruitment agency based in Auckland, pairing top talent with the best businesses. We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding experiences so you can focus on what's important.

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