Consult Recruitment NZ > Career  > How To Build The Best LinkedIn Profile

How To Build The Best LinkedIn Profile

You’re a qualified accountant. You’ve got an awesome CV (filed away somewhere) on your laptop. You’ve got amazing references and great experience.

So why would you need to bother with social media for your job search?

Well, that’s why I’m here. No, not to do it for you! But to tell you just how important social media really can be when you’re hunting for your dream job.

Social media is becoming increasingly important for a thriving career. For most professionals, LinkedIn is the king of the social media castle. If your LinkedIn profile is incomplete, or worse, if you don’t have one; you’re putting yourself at an instant disadvantage to your competitors. Yep – they’re all using that free digital real estate to highlight just what a catch they are.

“So what if I’m not actively job searching?” Well, you’re still missing out! It’s an opportunity to increase professional credibility and build your networks – and, your dream job could find you when you’re not even looking!

Here’s how to make the most out of LinkedIn:

Oh, and before you start – turn off ‘profile updates’ so that all your connections don’t get spammed with every profile tweak you make. 


You don’t need to use a corporate headshot, but I wouldn’t recommend using a Snapchat selfie either. Choose a closely cropped photo with your (smiling) face showing. Try and take it in front of a plain background and stand front on. I would also suggest using one with just you in it (not with your partner, dog, or mum in it – no matter how much you love them).


LinkedIn automatically generates a headline for you like: ‘Job Title at Company’, and most people leave it at that. That’s a real shame! Why? Because you’re actually free to go crazy here (not too crazy) and write whatever you want. Try something more memorable, including the keywords people are likely to use when they’re searching for people like you.

For example, instead of ‘Financial Accountant at The Best Company Ever,’ you could try ‘Commercially-focused Financial Accountant. I make sense of the numbers.’ 


You may have noticed LinkedIn automatically generates an unpronounceable string of numbers and letters for your profile address – so let’s get you set up with a custom URL (ideally your first and last name). Here’s how to do it:

  • Move your cursor over Profile at the top of your homepage and select ‘Edit Profile’
  • You’ll see a URL link under your profile photo (which is now a super spiffy professional shot of you after what we just discussed)
  • Move your cursor over the link and click ‘Settings’ right next to it. Under the Public Profile URL section on the right, click the ‘Edit’ icon next to your URL.
  • Type the last part of your new customer URL in the text box – then click save!


This is your chance to tell the e-world a story about who you are, what you do and why you do it so well. Don’t stuff it full of overused buzzwords (there’s enough outgoing and energetic team players out there.) Instead, talk about your specific achievements and use action words. Oh, and please use first person too… e.g. “I am a qualified marketer”, not “Georgina is a qualified marketer.” You wouldn’t introduce yourself to someone like this in person so don’t do it on the internet.


Don’t just do the bare minimum (company, when you worked there, job title). To get the most out of this valuable tool you will want to include at least three of your most recent jobs (no, you probably don’t need to include that job you had making icecreams at high school).

What did you do at those jobs? Did you do anything extra cool like publish blogs, presentations or articles? Definitely pop those down! Did you win any awards? Awesome! Be sure to note them down too.


Ask old colleagues, lecturers and teachers to write a recommendation for you that can be uploaded to your LinkedIn profile. This is a really good way to validate your skills and experience!


Inject some personality into your profile! You can still be professional without having to be boring and uptight. Write about yourself as if you’re talking to a friend. People are much more likely to actually ready your profile that way, and want to engage with you in real life.

Be creative in how you share your experience and knowledge on your profile and you’ll have a winning LinkedIn profile in no time!

Now you’ve got your LinkedIn sorted, you’re all geared up to start the hunt for your next awesome role! Need a hand? Get in touch with the team at Consult today to chat about the roles we have that might suit you – or check out our latest jobs here! 

About the author

Angela Cameron - CA, CPA

Chief Executive Officer

A chartered accountant by qualification, she is a recruitment leader by nature.

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