Consult Recruitment NZ > Job Search  > Changing Jobs? Make Sure You’re Doing It For The Right Reasons

Changing Jobs? Make Sure You’re Doing It For The Right Reasons

If ‘get a new job’ is at the top of your New Year resolutions list, you’re not alone.

Come mid-January, most people either boot up their computer full of renewed enthusiasm for their job and brimming with plans for the year ahead, or determined to make a change. Check out this post for 5 things you can do right now to launch your job search. 

If you’re in the second camp, it’s worth spending a bit of time getting to grips with exactly why you’re so keen to leave before you leap into your job search.


Two reasons: You might discover that you can actually reach your goals without switching jobs at all. And if not, your analysis will give you confidence that you’re making the right decision – a confidence that will help you stay focussed during your job search.

As recruiters, we spend a lot of time working with people to help them understand their real motivations for wanting to leave a job. We find that all the myriad specific reasons we hear for leaving a job actually boil down to three main motivators:


When this is a good reason:

You can point to progression achieved or new skills acquired in your job so far, but genuinely can’t see any more opportunities over the horizon.

When this is a bad reason:

You’ve just assumed there’s nothing left for you to achieve. Talk to your boss first – you owe it to yourself (and to them). In an ideal world, managers would always be looking ahead to keep their team challenged, but the reality is that good employees who just get on with the job often get overlooked. Unless you bring it up, what incentive does your boss have to move you onto something new, when you’re doing such a great job where you are?

Think creatively: Perhaps you could make a case for a job swap with someone at a similar level who’s also hit a ceiling, or present a well-researched proposal for you to lead a new project.


When this is a good reason:

You’ve done your research (here’s a great place to start), and it shows your salary isn’t keeping up with market rates. You’ve discussed this with your manager, but they can’t or won’t give you a pay rise.

When this is a bad reason:

If it’s your only reason. If your salary’s OK, and you’re otherwise very happy in a job that’s offering you progression, with a company culture that’s a great fit for you; then all the research says that switching jobs for a pay increase is very unlikely to make you happier. In fact, people who move solely for this reason tend to find themselves looking for a new job again sooner rather than later.


When this is a good reason:

This is a biggie. If the problem is widespread, there’s only so much you can do to make the best of a bad situation. If you’re in management yourself – or even if you’re not – your own positive actions could be the catalyst for change. But if things aren’t getting better, do yourself a favour and cut your losses.

When this is a bad reason:

If it’s just one person you’re having trouble with. The situation may be salvageable – even if that person’s your boss. Most people would rather have teeth pulled than have to deal with a personality clash, but if it means you get to stay in a job you otherwise love, it’s worth it.

If you’ve had an objective look at your motivations and decide to move, then get to it! 

Starting a job search this year and want to know how much you could earn in a new accounting job? Find out what you’re worth here.

About the author

Angela Cameron - CA, CPA

Chief Executive Officer

A chartered accountant by qualification, she is a recruitment leader by nature.

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