Consult Recruitment NZ > Job Search (Page 6)

Job Search

How Curiosity Can Help You Land The Job

What’s the single worst thing you can do when a recruiter calls to tell you about a career opportunity? I mean, aside from continuing to eat your sandwich in their ear. You know, the basic manners stuff. No, this mistake is obviously not very, well, obvious. Otherwise, why...

Scam Alert: We have been made aware of an increased number of scammers on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp posing as Consult Recruitment employees. We will never contact you on these platforms about job opportunities. Please do not respond to anyone who does, and inform us at

Scam Alert: Beware of scammers on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp posing as Consult Recruitment employees. If you're contacted on these platforms about job opportunities, please don’t reply and inform us here.