Consult Recruitment NZ > Career (Page 33)


10 Words You Must NEVER Use To Describe Yourself

Who am I to tell you how you can describe yourself? Nobody. So ignore me at your leisure. On the other hand, I can tell you for free that the words you use in your résumé, your LinkedIn profile, your Twitter bio, your cover letter, and in spoken language, create...

Why Recruiters Aren’t Calling You

You attach your CV, hit ‘send’, and then you wait. And wait…..and wait. Maybe you get a ‘Thanks, but no thanks’ email, if you’re lucky. But that’s it. No phone call. Total radio silence.   It could just be bad luck (a particularly strong field of competitors,...

The Bragalogue: Your Secret Career Weapon

We all know Kiwis suck at talking about their own achievements. It’s a scene played out at our offices daily. Recruiter: ‘What are you most proud of achieving in this role?’ Candidate: ‘Er…well…I was involved in a review of our reporting processes that was pretty successful, I guess…[mumble]’.  Five...

Scam Alert: We have been made aware of an increased number of scammers on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp posing as Consult Recruitment employees. We will never contact you on these platforms about job opportunities. Please do not respond to anyone who does, and inform us at

Scam Alert: Beware of scammers on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp posing as Consult Recruitment employees. If you're contacted on these platforms about job opportunities, please don’t reply and inform us here.