Consult Recruitment NZ > Career (Page 31)


YOU Own Your Career. You, And No-One Else.

Many people are advised that they should look for a company that ‘provides a career’. Often I hear candidates say they want to leave a job because their current employer is not ‘looking after my career’. Sure, it’s important to work for a company where you can...

Stop Indulging In This Career-Damaging Luxury

David Gonski is a fixture in the Top 10 Most Influential People in Australia annual rankings. He’s on multiple boards, is much sought after as an advisor and is generally considered a very wise man. So when he laughed out loud at something I’d said, and...

Must-Have Tech Tools That Will Change Your Life

I’m Co-Founder and CEO of Booktrack, a tech start up that adds movie-style soundtracks to eBooks (think music and ambient audio matching what you read). We started here in Auckland, but we now also have offices in San Francisco, Toronto, Hong Kong and the Philippines.  Working with teams...

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Scam Alert: Beware of scammers on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp posing as Consult Recruitment employees. If you're contacted on these platforms about job opportunities, please don’t reply and inform us here.