Mum, Dad, Two Kids And Two Start-Ups: How We Make It Work
I must admit, I’m a bit uncomfortable with this topic. I mean, it sounds like I have it all sorted and life is easy and balanced. Which is not my reality. I’ve made the long journey along Struggle Street at various stages over the past few years...
The London Cabbie Who Put Me To Career Shame
This is a true story. Every word. It was my last night in London after two weeks of hard work. A few beers, and into a cab. It was there, in that taxi, that I met one of the most extraordinary people I have ever encountered. The cabbie and...
Three Poisonous Words That Kill Your Credibility
I hear these three appalling words every day. Usually from people trying to impress, and make a fast connection. They resort to these three words to attempt to show authenticity. It fails every time. It backfires. Whatever you do, never say this phrase - ever: “To be...
Fun And Money: The ONLY Two Reasons To Come To Work
There are only two reasons to come to work. Fun and money. And you have to have both. One of them will not be enough. Not if you want to love what you do, that is. Having a job where you get just one or the other, often...
6 Reasons Why Accepting A Counter Offer Is Madness
There’s an oft-quoted statistic in the recruitment world that 80% of job seekers who accept a counteroffer go on to leave their job within six months anyway. Despite considerable ferreting around the internet, I can’t find the source of that fact anywhere. I suspect it might...
Asking For A Pay Rise? Avoid These 5 Blunders
You’ve done your research and discovered you’re underpaid. What now? If you’re waiting for your boss to spontaneously address this oversight, you may as well pull up a chair and get comfy. The reality is, the only person who really cares about your pay, is you. If...
Are You Fit Enough For Your Career Marathon?
If you retire when you're 65 years old, how many years have you got to go? Less than 10, between 10 and 20, 20 and 30? More than 30? For most, the answer is startling. They have a long road ahead of them. Given the massive...
5 Signs You’re Underpaid
So you have a nagging feeling you're underpaid. Maybe you overheard some gossip in the staff room about how much one of your colleagues is earning. Or perhaps you’ve just never been good at negotiating and you're pretty sure you've been shortchanging yourself. Here are some rock...