How To Have Private Calls During Work Hours
It’s Wednesday afternoon. You’re sitting at your desk. Suddenly, your phone starts to ring. Private number. You have no idea who it is - your doctor, your long-lost friend or even a recruiter. Your palms start sweating. Your stomach turns. Who could it possibly be? You...
Interview Cheat Sheet
Remember desperately cramming studying for your exams at university? You would take an educated guess at what questions were likely to be in an exam. You’d prepare and practice a range of answers. You’d make notes, and then refine them, and then refine them some more until you...
The Non-Recruiters Guide To The Recruitment Industry
It was time to take the plunge. Most people would probably like to escape the rat race and move to a quiet life in sunny Tauranga, but I’ve always been one to go against the grain. So I went the opposite direction of course! It’s now...
Should You Include Mum On Your CV?
We all know that being a parent is the toughest job around, and that staying at home to care for babies and young children cultivates in us new skills and attributes we didn't even know we had - resilience, patience, fortitude - and the ability...
Accounting & Finance Job Market Update: July 2017
We get asked many times a day what Auckland’s accounting and finance job market is doing. There’s a lot going on out there, but the answer is definitely not straightforward. Let’s try and make sense of a few things for you: At Consult, we’ve seen the job...
Show Me The Money
Growing up in Newcastle I was always told, “shy bairns get nowt," translated in common English as, “shy children get nothing.” We’re always advised if you don’t ask, you don’t get. Which is easy when it comes to the last slice of pizza, but what about...
What The Buck: Again?!
Every hiring manager we meet right now is desperate to know what’s happening in the accounting and finance market. What roles are in hot demand, what are other organisations doing to retain their key staff and how can they ensure the best people are working for...
When It All Hits The Fan
Everyone has periods in their personal and professional lives where things change – it’s life. Things happen both good and bad and you have to roll with the punches, no matter how hard they are. I joined Consult Recruitment earlier this year after much consideration and...