Consult Recruitment NZ > Career (Page 18)


How To Nail A Video Interview

Nailing the traditional interview can be tricky enough, let alone when you add the elements of a video interview - yikes! Well, I’ve got some good news for you (and some bad news). The good news: most candidates (your competitors) are terrible at video interviews. The not-so-good news:...

Recruitment Agencies: Good, Bad (And Ugly)

For most people, recruitment agencies are an essential part of the job search. A good recruitment consultant might help you find your next job, and they will definitely add value to your job search and career longer term. Unfortunately, in New Zealand the recruitment industry is unregulated; and...

How To Build The Best LinkedIn Profile

You’re a qualified accountant. You’ve got an awesome CV (filed away somewhere) on your laptop. You’ve got amazing references and great experience. So why would you need to bother with social media for your job search? Well, that’s why I’m here. No, not to do it for...

Scam Alert: We have been made aware of an increased number of scammers on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp posing as Consult Recruitment employees. We will never contact you on these platforms about job opportunities. Please do not respond to anyone who does, and inform us at

Scam Alert: Beware of scammers on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp posing as Consult Recruitment employees. If you're contacted on these platforms about job opportunities, please don’t reply and inform us here.