What Sushi Taught Me About Leadership
One of my favourite places to eat lunch is a dinky little Japanese sushi bar 2 minutes’ walk from my office. Their salmon sashimi is TO DIE FOR and I’ve been known to down not one, but THREE bowls of their miso soup in one sitting. It’s not only...
Please Don’t Call Me Sir
Writing an email to someone you’ve never spoken to before can either be a piece of cake, or you’ll second guess the wording of every single thing you’ve written. For a lot of people, it’s something you don’t even think about! But after receiving some very...
8 Ways To Make Brainstorming Sessions Fly
If you think brainstorming sessions are a waste of time, you’re right… when they’re not run properly… which is most of the time. Do any of these sound familiar? Only a couple of people are talking and the rest of the group are standing around looking at...
This Is Why I’ve Only Applied For One Job In My Life
OK, so don’t read that as I’ve only HAD one job in my life. As much as we like to hope we leave education and go straight into our ideal job for the rest of our life, it very rarely happens. But, I have only ever...
5 Steps To Creating Your First LinkedIn Profile
When you haven’t yet had your first real job, filling in your LinkedIn profile can seem a little tricky. While you may have a lack of professional experience, you can represent your knowledge and experience through your student work. Here’s how: 1. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE AND CAUSES List any...
The Official Auckland Accounting And Finance Job Smorgasbord
Ever wondered where the majority of Auckland’s accounting and finance jobs are located? Erm - maybe not? Maybe it’s just us? Surely not?! Anyway, it’s been burning a hole in Matt’s cap over summer, so he has done a bit of investigating (for himself, and for you our lovely...
7 Questions You Need To Ask In A Recruitment Agency Interview
You’re dressed in your best suit or skirt, your heart is racing - and you can’t stop thinking about what questions the recruiter will ask in your agency interview! Wait… shouldn’t you be thinking about what questions to ask them? When you meet with a recruitment consultant, remember...
Top Networking Tips For The New Year
As accounting types - we are (sometimes) less energised about networking, but if you want your career to take off - you’ll need to get better at it! Increasingly, vacancies are filled through personal connections, not job boards. A new year job resolution like increasing your...