The Guiding Hand To Happiness We Ignore
Here’s a brutal truth. We all have a constant and powerful guide to tell us exactly what we need to do to build happiness and success. Yet we ignore it. I sure as heck do. Bet you do too. Here it is. There are two aspects...
Find Your Next Role in the Banking and Financial Services Sector
Auckland's banking and financial services sector is hiring! Find your next role through Consult Recruitment. Are you a financial services professional thinking about your next gig? Partner with Consult Recruitment to get in front of the right employers. We don't just fire your CV off to...
What To Say When Asked “Do You Have Any Questions?”
The interview’s winding up, and you know it’s coming...
How To Handle The Screening Call From Recruiters
Ever wondered what’s going on when you get a call from a recruiter after applying to their job ad? It starts off sounding pretty casual, but you finish the call with the queasy feeling you've just been assessed - and weren’t quite as prepared as you...
Make Your Job Application Count
It’s your typical recession type media article - it starts with setting the scene of the newly redundant person, how that person has applied to 243 jobs, heard back from 20 and is still waiting for an interview. The conclusion (of course) is that employers...
Feeling Anxious About Going Back to Work
Some of the Consult / Halo team were back in the office last week. It’s been wonderful to see each other after nearly 2 months of zoom calls and working in the “home office” (quotation marks because it varied in standards from a laptop on...
How To Nail A Video Interview
Nailing the traditional interview can be tricky enough, let alone when you add the elements of a video interview - yikes! Well, I’ve got some good news for you (and some bad news). The good news: most candidates (your competitors) are terrible at video interviews. The not-so-good news:...
Find Your Next Role in the Banking and Financial Services Sector
Auckland's banking and financial services sector is hiring! Find your next role through Consult Recruitment. Are you a financial services professional thinking about your next gig? Partner with Consult Recruitment to get in front of the right employers. We don't just fire your CV off to...