Consult Recruitment NZ > Business  > Attraction and Retention in 2021

Attraction and Retention in 2021

2021 has been off to a flying start with plenty of businesses hitting go on recruitment plans and bringing new talent into their teams. It’s an incredibly busy market and we’re seeing candidate shortages as companies scramble to fight over talent.  On a daily basis – our candidates have multiple job offers and counter-offers are part of a new normal in 2021.  

We hit the new year by releasing the ‘Mood of the Sales’ leader’ survey by Indicator.  Interestingly the survey results showed that sales leaders are feeling cautiously optimistic with 45% of sales leaders planning on INCREASING the size of their sales team this year.

From a candidate’s perspective, this couldn’t be a better time to look for a new role but what does this mean for hiring managers? 

Never before has there been so much pressure on hiring managers to attract top talent.  Covid-19 has taught most businesses that the quality of their hires determines their success and this is now a market where companies will try to retain their best people.

Here are some things that will help you attract and retain the best sales talent;

  • Look after your team, especially your high performers. Incentivise your sales team, celebrate success, recognise their achievements.  Most organisations planning salary increases are focusing on giving more to their high achievers.
  • Recognition is such a motivator for the sales candidates I meet, but it is not really given out enough.  It’s crazy because publicly recognising someone for their good work doesn’t cost anything but it is hugely valuable and has such an impact on employees.  So make sure you’re recognising your people – either loudly, or quietly.  Just sending them an email or a card to say thank you can make all the difference.
  • Career trajectory – good sales candidates are ambitious. If you want to keep them, mentor them and help them develop and have a clear path of what success looks like.   Partner with awesome organisations like Indicator to make sure that they keep learning and developing their skills.
  • Flexibility is a word I hear a lot and this works both ways. Life happens and having the flexibility and trust develops much better behaviours from your team. Covid19 was great for forcing flexibility and now the best businesses are incorporating this into their new normal.
  • Culture is so important to everyone. Create a culture that is inclusive, diverse and collaborative. Get to know your team. Everyone is at different life stages so understand what’s important to them in life so you are connected to them.
  • Pay at least market rates to attract the very best talent.  This is not the time for lowball offers in the hope of saving a few thousand dollars!
  • Incentives.  Think about the small things that matter and make your offer more enticing:  a transport allowance is hugely popular, health and wellbeing allowance, car parks, health insurance etc. These sorts of perks are really appreciated and show you really care about the wellbeing of your team. 
  • Have some fun!! Create a hard-working culture but also one where you can have a chat and a laugh with your teammates.  Because at the end of the day – you want your team to be exceptional and collaborative.  And fun.

2021 might just be the busiest employment year ever.  Make sure that you’re looking after your best people and have strategies in place to attract new talent.  If you need a hand or ideas on the pathway ahead – please get in touch with us, or if you are in the sales industry – with me!  Olivia Ghezzi – 

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  • Hiresmart

    June 29, 2021 at 8:04 pm

    Thanks for sharing this article. Employee retention is the top priority of HR managers everywhere.
    May be it seems too big and challenging at first, it still is solvable. The simplest way to manage turnover is to develop a plan to make employees stay.

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